“Missing Link” to Financial Freedom Discovered in 85-Year-Old Book

Thanks for your purchase of Syndicated Deal Analyzer, the #1 multifamily analysis software.

Now you can analyze a deal… structure it to fit your investors’ needs… and create an offer backed by hard data in just 15 minutes.

Which means you can do more deals, in less time, with less hassle.

In fact, Syndicated Deal Analyzer is one of key tools I used to build my $200 million portfolio.

But if you want to be financially free in the next 12-18 months, tools aren’t enough. 

You also need…

The Secret Strategy of the
Greatest Entrepreneurs in History

You’re probably familiar with the 1937 book Think and Grow Rich.

In it, Napoleon Hill reveals a wealth-building strategy used by Henry Ford, Andrew Carnegie, and Charles Schwab.

The Mastermind: A group of like-minded people who share a common goal.

The right Mastermind group is the “missing link” to financial freedom.

Because it can unleash a powerful creative force that can dramatically accelerate your progress towards your goals.

My goal is to help YOU achieve financial freedom in the next 12-18 months. Which is why I created…

Deal Maker Mastermind:
The #1 Real Estate Investing
Mastermind in the World

Deal Maker Mastermind will you take your real estate investing to the next level.

And it’s designed to work for anyone, regardless of experience.

So whether you’re trying to find the right deal …

Struggling to raise money…

Or looking for experienced partners for your first (or next) deal…

Deal Maker Mastermind can help.

This one-of-a-kind program gives you real networking opportunities with real people, looking to do actual deals. As a member, you can:

✅ Share ideas and strategies with like-minded real estate investors and syndicators…

✅ Get access to highly profitable deals you never would have heard of otherwise…

✅ Connect with experienced private investors so you can raise more money with less hassle…

✅ And even work with a mentor who can guide you through the process of building your multifamily business…

Whether you’re brand-new to real estate or you have a dozen deals under your belt!

You, a Multifamily Millionaire in Less Than 12 Months?

That’s a bold claim. But I’ve seen it happen time and time again.

Because when you have the right tools… the right strategies… and the right connections…

You can build your multifamily portfolio faster than you ever thought possible.

4 Months to My First Deal with 69 units and now I Own 500+ Units!

It took Patrick just 4 months after joining the program to close his first deal – 69 units – by partnering with Michael Blank’s team. He paid himself a nice $19,038 acquisition fee check at closing. Since then, he has quit his job and closed another 500 units.

5 Months to Close My First Deal of 80 Units!

It took Philippe to close this 80 Unit deal just 5 months after joining the program. He paid himself a nice $33,103 acquisition fee at closing, too. He’s now weeks on closing on his 2nd deal – a monster 168 units.

4 Months to Close My First Deal of 57 Units!

It took Tom Reid only 4 months after joining the coaching program to close his first deal – 57 units – by partnering with Michael's team using the Deal Maker's Mastermind. He's on to much bigger deals now!

Here’s what you get when you join Deal Maker Mastermind today

✅ The Deal Maker Mastermind Community: Our members-only group of like-minded investors and syndicators to help you overcome any challenge and reach your goals faster than you thought possible.

 Private Deal Review: Submit any deal you’re working on and get expert feedback, so you can be more confident that you’re making the right decisions.

 35 In-Depth Deal Analysis Videos, so you can see exactly how real deals came together on properties ranging from 10 to 400 units.

 Invest Like a Boss: Real-life investors (with over 1,000 units combined) show you how to raise money… manage investors… handle underwriting… and manage your property…like a boss.

 Deal Presentation Package: A proven template for getting your offers taken seriously—and accepted.

 Tax Secrets: Insider strategies to permanently reduce your tax bill—and save your investors a small fortune—with multifamily real estate. IRS-approved and 100% legal.

 Mastermind with Ken McElroy: A one-hour interview with the “Rich Dad’s” Real Estate Advisor and owner of more than 10,000 units.

 Monthly Coaching Webinars that show anyone how to analyze deals like a pro—even if you're just starting out.

 Special Members-Only Training with Nighthawk Equity, Michael Blank's syndication firm with over $200 million in multifamily assets.

 And much more…

“Within a few weeks, I got my first 100+ unit deal!”
-Chris Roberts


“In a little over 14 months, I was able to do 3 deals”
-Andy Vaughn

“We just closed our first deal—128 units! Now we’re pursuing a 248-unit deal.”
-Chihiro Kurokawa

Right now, the multifamily market
is seeing a historic opportunity…

America in in the middle of a massive housing shortage.

Real estate prices are skyrocketing, and millions of would-be homebuyers are choosing to rent instead.

That’s helped drive rents up three times more than the average…With even MORE increases expected this year.

Plus, multifamily real estate values are soaring, up 30% in some markets. But interest rates are still near historic lows.

And with the stock market in turmoil, investors are looking for safe, dependable returns.

All of which means that you have a small window of opportunity to get in BEFORE rents and property values skyrocket again…

Buy your first (or next) apartment building without putting in any of your own money…

And—using the strategies you’ll discover in Deal Maker Mastermind—even get paid for putting the deal together!

Special Limited Time Deal

Other masterminds charge up to $297 a month.

But most of them are just glorified chat groups. And the quality can vary wildly.

But Deal Maker Mastermind gives you real networking opportunities with real investors, looking to do deals.

Plus you get access to trained mentors… deal analysis feedback… and ongoing training.

Normally, access to this special mastermind goes for $97/month

But since you invested in Syndicated Deal Analyzer—and yourself—I’d like to make you a special offer.

“Test Drive” Deal Maker Mastermind for 30 Days

Today, you can test-drive Deal Maker Mastermind for 30 days—FREE

✅ Check out the members-only private group and make connections that could change your life forever.

✅ Watch the special training videos and discover proven strategies for finding deals, raising money, and managing investors.

✅ Talk to your mentor and get their feedback on your deals.

If, at any point during your 30-day test drive, you don’t think Deal Maker Mastermind is worth 10 times the normal subscription …

Just email my team to cancel and you’ll never pay another penny.

If you’re happy—like almost all members are—do nothing. You’ll automatically be charged the normal rate for the following month.

No Long-Term Commitment Required

Deal Maker Mastermind is a month-to-month membership. So there’s NO long-term commitment.

Which means that if at some point you decide Deal Maker Mastermind isn’t for you…

Or you just want to put your membership “on hold” for a couple of months…

Just let us know and you won’t be charged for the next month.

But there is one, small catch. You see, this deal is a…

“One Time Only” Offer

Right now, you can try Deal Maker Mastermind completely risk-free.

But this offer is only good right now, while you’re on this page.

Remember, Deal Maker Mastermind is the #1 mastermind for multifamily investors.

  You can network with other apartment building investors and syndicators …

  Get access to deals you never would have heard of otherwise…

  Discover proven strategies to raise money, lower taxes, and boost returns…

  Work with experienced mentors who can help you overcome your biggest challenges…

  And connect with private investors looking to fund your first (or next) deal…

But once you click away from this page, you may never see this offer again.

So if you want the ability to quit your job next year…

And enjoy total financial freedom in the next 12-18 months…

I urge you to take advantage of this offer right now, before it’s gone for good.

See you on the other side,

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