How to Flip Commercial Real Estate

How to Flip Commercial Real Estate Make sure you download ALL my resources for FREE at this link: You’re not going to find your way to financial freedom flipping houses. But what about commercial real estate? Can you flip an apartment building? First, let’s examine what that term actually means. If you flip an […]
When Should Investors Expect to be Paid?

When should investors expect to be paid during their multifamily investments? Make sure you download ALL my resources for FREE at this link: There are three times when an investor should expect to get paid during their investment in a syndication. First, the cash flow. You’re going get cash flow every quarter from your […]
Sourcing Real Estate Deals is Easier Than You Think

If you’re going to invest in multifamily real estate syndications, your primary challenge is sourcing deals. When you complete your first deal, the law of the first deal is set into motion, but you want to look forward, not back. You need steady, consistent deal flow. Early on at Nighthawk, we built our portfolio out […]
What is a Preferred Return for Investors?

Have you ever heard the phrase preferred return? Make sure you download ALL my resources for FREE at this link: What is a preferred return for investors? Many syndicators use what’s called a preferred return or pref as part of their payout structures. To be a smart passive investor, it’s key to understand these […]
Can You Own An Apartment Building If You’re Not Rich?

You know that owning an apartment building is a good investment. In fact, we believe multifamily real estate syndications are the best investment on the planet. Who doesn’t want to get those envelopes of door money in their mailbox every month? But a building is a big investment. You have to be wealthy to own […]
What is a Good Cap Rate for Multifamily Investments?

Cap rates are discussed a lot in our industry, and they’re an important metric to understand when evaluating a real estate investment. Make sure you download ALL my resources for FREE at this link: What is considered a good cap rate for multifamily investments? To answer that, let’s break down what cap rate really […]
What is Capital Stack in Real Estate?

No matter where you are on your passive real estate journey, you need a basic understanding of the terminology. The more you understand, the more you are prepared to make educated decisions. Make sure you download ALL my resources for FREE at this link: Today, let’s talk about capital stack. The capital stack refers […]
Pros and Cons of Wholesaling Real Estate

Make sure you download ALL my resources for FREE at this link: Pros and Cons of Wholesaling Real Estate I got started with real estate back in 2006, before the recession. I started with single-family houses. I signed up with a local mentor and he happened to be a wholesaler. He taught me marketing […]
Is Investing in a Distressed Property a Good Idea?

Make sure you download ALL my resources for FREE at this link: Is Investing in a Distressed Property a Good Idea? In real estate investing, there are different categories, or asset classes. Class A properties are new, built in the last five years, and tend to be luxury buildings with with high-end amenities. With […]
How to Use Social Media for Your Real Estate Business

At the heart of your real estate business is the ongoing need to scale and raise capital. How do you do that? You have a platform and a network of friends and acquaintances. But maybe after your first deal, you’ve exhausted that network. When it’s time to raise more money for your second or third […]