MB 145: Luring Passive Investors to Raise Money for Multifamily – With Tim Bratz

Raising private money is a lot like fishing: You put a lure in the water and then wait for the investors to come to you. Today, multifamily investor Tim Bratz joins me to discuss the current opportunity around raising capital for apartment buildings and explain how he grew a 2K-unit portfolio in just 42 months!
MB 135: How to Lead a Popular Multifamily Meetup & Raise $4.4M – With Adam Adams

So, you want to scale your multifamily business. What are your options? Adam Adams went the route of leading his own real estate investing meetup. Today, he joins me to explain how his group gained popularity FAST and how he leveraged the network to raise $4.4M and become a community leader in the space!
The Best-Kept Secret to Raising Money for Apartment Building Investing

Newbie investors tell me they’ll start their apartment building investing career when they have money. But who knows when that will happen? And so they wait. Or they’ll say they can’t see themselves putting a building under contract if they don’t already have the funds in the bank – who will take them seriously? Or […]
MB 130: Raising Private Capital to Grow Your Multifamily Portfolio – With Matt Faircloth

Are you still skeptical that you can build a real estate business using other people’s money? Or, maybe you don’t think your sphere of influence has access to that kind of capital. Matt Faircloth joins me to explain where to look for money within your network and how to grow a multifamily portfolio using private capital.
MB 126: The BEST EVER Advanced Multifamily Strategies for Raising Money at Scale – With Joe Fairless

If you’re early in your career as a multifamily syndicator, aligning your interests with a qualified team is essential in overcoming your lack of experience to go after larger, more lucrative deals. Joe Fairless joins me to discuss his new book, Best Ever Apartment Syndication Book, and share his approach to money raising at scale.
MB 086 – Find Your Niche Raising Capital for Multi-Family Syndicators – With Lane Kawaoka

Interested in multifamily, but syndication is not for you? If your strengths lie in networking and raising money, you can get into apartment building investing as a general partner who specializes in soliciting capital. Today, I’m on the line with Lane Kawaoka, real estate entrepreneur and curator of Simple Passive Cashflow. Listen in for his unique approach to multi-family investing!
MB 075: How to Harness the Power of Crowdfunding Even If You’re a Newbie – With Jilliene Helman, CEO of RealtyMogul

Crowdfunding platforms like Realty Mogul are looking for sponsors with a track record, so if you don’t have one—find someone who does. Today I’m on the line with Jilliene Hellman, CEO of Realty Mogul, to discuss what qualifies as a good deal and how aspiring syndicators might take advantage of partnering with a larger real estate company to secure capital via crowdfunding.
MB 067: The 5 Key Elements of Raising Capital – With Victor Menasce

Listen in on my conversation with expert real estate investor and author of Magnetic Capital, Victor Menasce. Today we discuss the five key elements of raising capital, why some repel the very money they’re trying to raise, and how to invest like a billionaire – even if you’re not.
Opinion You Should Use Money From Friends & Family for Investing

You’re afraid that friends & family won’t talk to you again if a deal goes bad — but here’s a compelling argument for why using their money works well.
You’re Under Contract But Don’t Have The Money Raised – Now What?

You managed to get a killer multifamily deal under contract but don’t have all of the money raised – here’s what to do.