MB 174: Put Your Money in Motion with Passive Investing – With Ryan McKenna

If you make good money, and you want to make it work for you, passive investing in multifamily syndications may be a perfect fit. Today, Ryan McKenna joins me to explain how he achieved financial freedom as a passive investor and discuss how real estate outperforms other investment options—including the stock market!

Passive Investing Resources

Here are my best resources to answer your most burning questions about passively investing in real estate syndications.

MB 171: Passive Investing in Today’s Market – With Bronson Hill

If you’ve got money to invest, you’ve got a lot of options. Today, Bronson Hill is interviewing me about the pros and cons of the investing in the stock market, single-family homes and apartment syndications. I explain the difference between active and passive investing and share the current market outlook for multifamily!

From Worry-Free to Wealthy: The Rewards of Passive Multifamily Real Estate Investing

Imagine a life where financial worries take a back seat, and your wealth grows effortlessly while you enjoy more time for what truly matters. This is the potential of passive multifamily real estate investing – a journey that can not only provide you with worry-free income but also open the doors to building substantial wealth […]

Active vs. Passive Real Estate Investing 101


If you want to invest in real estate, you have options. You can start out as a passive investor or an active investor. Which one is best? The answer is, there’s no right answer. Both active and passive investing have their benefits, it all comes down to which one is right for you and how […]

Terms You Need to Know For Passive Real Estate Investing

Terms To Know For Passive Real Estate Investing

The world of real estate can be a confusing place. No matter where you are on your passive real estate journey, you need to understand the meaning behind a few essential terms we use in our day-to-day. General and Limited Partners For starters, in syndication there are general partners and limited partners – or LPs […]