Are you (or your client) trying to being a guest on our show?
We appreciate your interest and value the integrity of our show, which is why our spidey senses are on high alert.
If you have NOT yet watched the video…please STOP, scroll back up, and click the play button. We literally spoon feed you with a cheat sheet on how to get past our show gatekeepers…you’ll want to grab a notebook for this.
- Fyi, our tech team is world-class and can tell if you watched the video or not
The form below is a standard submission. Pay close attention to the tips in the video, it spells out the EXACT criteria we look for and will gladly filter out irrelevant submissions with.
- Just because you’ve done a multifamily deal, doesn’t make you a good fit.
- Just because you’re a real estate investing coach…cough cough* doesn’t mean you’ll resonate with our audience
We’re looking to CHANGE THE WORLD but we can’t do it alone!
Therefore, shoot your shot and submit a pitch…BUT, just make sure your pitch, show angle and story aligns with our mission, vision, and values.
(pause here and take a second to shake your head *gasp* or enthusiastically nod in agreement)
You ready?
Assuming you’ve watched the video in its entirety and understand our expectations…go ahead and fill out the submission form as thoroughly as possible.
We’ll take care of the rest.
Thank you and good luck!