Most people see adversity as a bad thing and avoid it at all costs. But what if setbacks are simply part of the journey to success? What if we can convert adversity into rocket fuel and use it to propel us to the next level?

Mike ‘C-Roc’ Ciorrocco is the CEO of People Building, Inc. and Cofounder of the emerging tech company Blooprinted. He was named one of the Top Business Leaders to Follow in 2020 by Yahoo Finance and was #1 on their list of Top Mortgage Professionals the same year. Mike is also the host of What Are You Made Of? and the bestselling author of Rocket Fuel: Convert Setbacks, Become Unstoppable.

On this episode of Financial Freedom with Real Estate Investing, Mike joins cohost Garrett Lynch and me to explain why adversity is a good thing, describing how he converts setbacks into rocket fuel to become unstoppable. He walks us through the 3 C’s for achieving any big goal, challenging us to get clear on what we want and commit to taking consistent action. Listen in to find out how Mike got into business with Grant Cardone and learn his approach to reframing adversity as your best teacher.

Key Takeaways 

 The rocket fuel that makes Mike unstoppable

How Mike lifted himself out of a negative environment

Mike’s 3 C’s for realizing you’re not stuck

  1. Clarity
  2. Commitment
  3. Consistency

The importance of your peer group

Why people have a hard time committing to a goal

Why Mike encourages people to tell their story

The 3 reasons people don’t share their story

  1. Don’t think people care
  2. Embarrassed by story
  3. Underestimate power to impact others

Why adversity is ultimately a good thing

Mike’s approach to bouncing back from a big setback

How Mike got into business with Grant Cardone

What Mike wants to be remembered for

Connect with Mike Ciorrocco

Mike on Clubhouse

Mike on Instagram

Mike on LinkedIn

What Are You Made Of? Podcast



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Rocket Fuel: Convert Setbacks, Become Unstoppable by Mike Ciorrocco

Grant Cardone

10X Incubator

The 10X Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and Failure by Grant Cardone

Grant Cardone Sales Training University

The Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life by Hal Elrod

Vivid Vision: A Remarkable Tool for Aligning Your Business Around a Shared Vision of the Future by Cameron Herold

Podcast Show Notes

Michael’s Website 

Michael on Facebook 

Michael on Instagram 

Michael on YouTube 

Apartment Investor Network Facebook Group 

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