Mario Ortiz’s first multifamily deal wasn’t a homerun. Would he do things differently, knowing what he knows now? Maybe wait for a better deal to come along? Mario says no, arguing that ‘getting in the game’ is more important than the size or quality of the first deal. In fact, he lives by the adage that the ‘opportunity of a lifetime’ comes about once a month. The thing is, you have to be looking for it.

Mario is a mechanical engineer from El Paso, Texas. He has managed to build a thriving real estate business while working full-time in the oil industry—without employing syndication. A self-made, resourceful entrepreneur, Mario finds a creative way to finance each new multifamily property, and he made a cool $4M on the refi of his most recent investment!

Mario sits down with me to explain how the unpredictable nature of the oil and gas industry inspired him to pursue real estate. He shares his initial plan to invest in single-family properties and the overwhelm he experienced self-managing 10 homes on top of his full-time job. Mario walks us through his first multifamily deal, describing his luck in establishing rapport with a local bank and what he learned by self-managing the 17-unit property. He discusses the creative ways he financed his second and third multifamily deals, a 90-unit in Houston and a 180-unit in Fort Worth. Listen in for Mario’s insight around ‘getting in the game’ and learn how the refinance of his 180-unit is allowing him to quit his engineering job and travel with his family 

Key Takeaways

Mario’s background

Mario’s initial real estate plan

Why Mario’s plan changed

Mario’s first multifamily deal

Why Mario chose to self-manage

Mario’s second multifamily deal

Mario’s third multifamily deal

How Mario made the 180-unit profitable

The refinance of Mario’s 180-unit property

Mario’s plan moving forward

Mario’s plans to leave his full-time job

Mario’s parting advice

Connect with Mario

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