Attention Owners – How to Protect Yourself from the Impact of Coronavirus

If you own any kind of real estate, you’re probably pretty stressed right about now. You’re concerned about the effects of Covid on your tenants, and the implications it may have on you as the property owner. What if your tenants can’t pay? What if they won’t pay?? Can they sue you??? I’m going to answer these questions in the video below, so let’s get to it!
MB 208: Is the Sky Falling? – With an Expert Panel of Multifamily Operators

How will the Coronavirus pandemic impact us as multifamily investors? Today, I’m joined by an expert panel of operators to discuss what we are doing to protect our investments and serve our tenants during this challenging time and how YOU can take advantage of the shift to a buyer’s market in the months to come.
Why the Coronavirus is Great for Multifamily Investing

I’m not as concerned about the actual HEALTH issues with the coronavirus. As of today, The number of deaths from the virus has reached 3,110 globally, but 56,000 people die of the flue each year. But I’m more concerned about the economic impact and a potential panic it could create in the market.