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How to Survive An Economic Winter

How to Survive an Economic Winter

How to Survive an Economic Winter Make sure you download ALL my resources for FREE at this link: Everything goes through seasons. The economy and investing in real estate is no different. Before COVID, summer was red hot. People were saying, “The market is too hot,” then COVID brought everything to a screeching halt […]

MB 217: Multifamily Developments That Thrive in a Downturn – With Scott Choppin

Multifamily Developments That Thrive in a Downturn – With Scott Choppin

Some real estate investments are riskier than others. Class A multifamily developers, for example, are likely to lose their tenant base in a recession. Today, Scott Choppin joins me to explain what his firm is doing to mitigate the risks associated with market cycles and why his business is thriving despite the current economic downturn.

Why You Should NOT Invest in Class A Multifamily Syndications

Why you should not invest in class a multifamily syndications

Hey, everyone’s got an opinion, but some people are just WRONG.Especially when it comes to investing in Class A Multifamily. Trust me, you DON’T want to fall into that trap! Today, I’ll go into detail on why we avoid putting our investor’s money (and our own) into Class A Multifamily deals.