What’s the formula for achieving any goal you want? Read on for the 3 lessons I learned from Miracle Morning author Hal Elrod!

Miracles CAN happen in your life.

But good things don’t just fall into your lap by wishing. It takes a foundation of self-awareness and the right mindset to realize your dreams.

In this week’s video, I share 3 lessons I learned from the bestselling author of Miracle Morning, Hal Elrod.

I explain how to get clarity on exactly what you want, sharing the morning routine Hal suggests for defining your goals.

I cover the concept of unwavering faith and discuss the role self-belief plays in making dreams possible.

You’ll understand how clarity and faith inspire extraordinary action, a key component of Hal’s Miracle Equation for unlocking your full potential!

Watch the video below (or keep reading).

Lesson #1: Clarity

If you don’t know what you want, that’s exactly what you’ll get. The first step in realizing your dreams is clearly defining what those dreams are. Get granular about exactly what you want your life to look like and visualize the details.

In his bestselling book, The Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life (Before 8AM), Hal suggests creating a morning routine that includes prayer, reading, journaling and visualization. 

For a detailed outline of the elements that make up a Miracle Morning, listen to my interview with Hal on the Apartment Building Investing Podcast!

Taking the time to go through a daily routine like the one Hal describes raises your self-awareness and helps you get clear on your goals. It supports you in BECOMING the kind of person who will DO what’s necessary to HAVE the life you’ve always wanted.

Lesson #2: Unwavering Faith

In his new book, The Miracle Equation: The Two Decisions That Move Your Biggest Goals from Possible, to Probable, to Inevitable, Hal argues that unwavering faith is a key component in achieving your goals. To be successful, you’ve got to believe that your dreams are possible.

The belief that God will do great things through you gives you the confidence to step out into the unknown and trust that the next step will appear when you need it. You simply can’t achieve anything meaningful without faith.

Secret #3: Extraordinary Action

Unwavering faith works hand in hand with extraordinary action, the final piece you need to achieve any goal. As we learn in the Book of James in the Bible, you’ve got to do more than just pray. To get what you want, you’ve got to DO something to make it happen.

Hal reminds us that hard work and consistency feed into your faith and fuel further action. Commit to doing whatever it takes, and you’re well on your way to achieving any meaningful goal you set your mind to.

Final Thoughts

In review, the top 3 lessons I learned from renowned author Hal Elrod are: 

  1. Get a clear vision of exactly what you want, 
  2. Harness an unwavering faith (in God and yourself), and 
  3. Take extraordinary action. The result? The miracle life you’ve been dreaming about.