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DML is only weeks away, and we're getting excited!

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Why Should You Come to Deal Maker Live?

You already know,  DML is the #1 multifamily investing event in America, and this year, our keynote speaker is Daymond John, star of ABC's Shark Tank.

He's going to be sharing lessons learned from his experience building businesses, plus we have an amazing lineup of speakers sharing their knowledge about about entrepreneurship, tax law, networking, and much more.

If you're still on the fence about whether or not DML is right for you, check out what these past participants have to say:

Brian Briscoe

“Hey, my name is Brian Briscoe. So my story… I guess, biggest news up front, we just closed on a 55 unit in Spartanburg, South Carolina, but I moved to the DC area about a year ago. I happened to be listening to one of Michael Blank's podcasts. He mentioned that he was in Northern Virginia, too. So just over a year ago, I signed up for the Ultimate Guide course. I figured, you know, if he's in Northern Virginia, I'm going to be in Northern Virginia. It makes sense. Maybe sometime we could get together.

So I moved here last August. In November. I went to the very first event that I've ever gone through for real estate. It was Deal Maker Live here at this exact same hotel, and it just opened my eyes to what I could do.

I would say my trajectory is mostly attributed to what I learned through the Michael Blank program and to the partners that I met through the Michael Blank program and everything that goes along with it and, you know, I’m extremely grateful for the program that's been set up and for all it brings it brings to the table.

If I had to make the decision to do it again, I absolutely would. I’d do it three times in a row if I had to, but anyway, one thing that Michael always talks about is the Law of the First Deal and he's absolutely true on that one.

We had our first one close on Tuesday and we have a 32 unit, a 40 unit, and an 80 unit under contract right now. Number two, three, and four came right on the heels of number one, so we're super excited and happy at what's going on.”

Andy Vaughan

“I'm Andy Vaughan. I’m in Westminster, Louisiana. I’ve been involved in the coaching mentoring program since the end of February of 2018, so my background was in the insurance business and I was looking for a way to get out of that with a lot of the changes in that environment.

I was really looking for multifamily because I just couldn't see how I could scale it and get there quick enough with single family residences, so I started that process and my first deal, actually.

Before I found a deal I was able to partner with another one of the students who already had a deal under contract so that was my first deal. We raised 210, 000 for that deal. We closed at the end of June.

That allowed me to actually network with some other students and other people involved in Michael's program and network and conferences and things of that nature. So through that I was able to develop some other relationships with people and actually raise capital for another deal that was actually under contract the first part of October 2018. We closed on it at the end of January of 19. I raised $150,000 for that one and then we're just now closing up my third deal, which was a student housing project deal there with another member of Michael's network, and I raised $400,000 for that deal.

In a little over 14 months, I've been able to do three deals in which I raised $760,000. So I encourage everyone to get involved in the mentoring and coaching program and advise anyone to be able to reach out and network as much as possible with other students in those programs.”

David Acosta

Before I joined Michael's mentorship program, I was highly focused on creating passive income but really, I was just spitting my wheels. I didn't have the guidance and I didn't have a game plan.

Then, I signed up for your mentoring program. I had Drew Whitson, an amazing mentor and really, it did a couple of things. It gave me confidence. I knew I was working with someone who had been where I had gotten to where I wanted to be and was operating at a high level.

So Drew was really helpful, kind of giving me the tools I needed to succeed. I took everything from your coaching program, developed a sample deal package, raised quite a bit of capital, placed that into another one of my fellow mentees deal and got my first general partnership shortly after, maybe three to four months, I was under contract and closing on my own deal that I personally sponsored.

As I reflect back, I almost gave up quite a few times. I found it really challenging. This whole process probably took me like 18 to 24 months and it was a journey and if I didn't have the right people in my corner just pushing me to to where I needed to be and showing me what was possible, I definitely would have given up.”

Deal Maker Live Event

Here is more of what you can expect when you come to this one-of-a-kind event.

Connect with like-minded people.

Make deals.

Change your life.

We can't wait to see you in Dallas! You don't want to miss this. Get your tickets here.

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