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MB 201: The Truth About Limiting Beliefs – With Rod Khleif

The Truth About Limiting Beliefs – With Rod Khleif

What excuses are you using to explain why you haven’t gotten started with multifamily? What if those explanations are really just stories you’re telling yourself to justify a lack of action? Today, Rod Khleif joins me to share the truth about our limiting beliefs and discuss the habits successful real estate investors have in common.

How I Got Started in Mulitfamily Real Estate Investing

How I Got Started in Mulitfamily Real Estate Investing

How I Got Started in Mulitfamily Real Estate Investing I talk a lot about multifamily real estate investing – but I haven’t really gotten into how I got here! My journey to multifamily was not nearly as direct of a path as some of my students are taking, where they are quitting their job within […]

How to Invest Using Retirement Funds

How to Invest Using Retirement Funds

Is it possible to use a retirement account to invest in a real estate syndication? The short answer is yes. But what qualifies? Today, we’ll answer that question and take a look at the pros and cons of this strategy.