MB 220: Affordable Housing by the Numbers – With Damian Bergamaschi

You may have heard the prediction that unemployment in the US could reach 30%, and that does sound scary. But what do those numbers really mean? Today, Damian Bergamaschi joins me to discuss how that worst-case scenario would impact collections and explain why he is bullish on affordable housing as a reliable long-term investment.
COVID Update – How the CARES Act has impacted 401(k) and IRAs

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act was passed by Congress back in March when the pandemic was just starting to heat up. One aspect of the 800 page bill that investors need to understand is the impact to their retirement accounts. Specifically, you now have the ability to access (up to) $200,000 without penalty. Join me today with my guest, Damion Lupo, to learn how to maximize this unique opportunity.
MB 208: Is the Sky Falling? – With an Expert Panel of Multifamily Operators

How will the Coronavirus pandemic impact us as multifamily investors? Today, I’m joined by an expert panel of operators to discuss what we are doing to protect our investments and serve our tenants during this challenging time and how YOU can take advantage of the shift to a buyer’s market in the months to come.
What You (As a Passive Investor) Can Do to Protect Yourself from a Market Downturn

Nervous about passive investing in an uncertain market? Read on for 5 strategies to protect yourself from a downturn and grow your wealth with multifamily!
Is Now the Right Time to Invest in Multifamily Syndications?

Market got your nervous about investing in real estate? Read on to find out if now’s a good time to invest in multifamily!
What are the Risks of Investing in Real Estate Syndications?

Discover the risks of investing in multifamily syndications – and what you can do to overcome them.
MB 152: 4 Steps to Protect Your Personal & Real Estate Assets – With Garrett Sutton

In a perfect world, honest multifamily investors would never have to deal with frivolous lawsuits. But we live in the real world where being sued is a very real possibility. Today, Rich Dad Advisor Garrett Sutton joins me to share his 4 steps to protecting your personal and real estate assets!
MB 140: Building ‘Wealth Unbroken’ Through Multifamily Real Estate – With Rebecca Walser

Are you counting on a 401(k) and investments in the stock market to sustain you through retirement? Today, Rebecca Walser joins me to discuss the danger in following the advice of traditional financial planners and share her strategy for building long-term wealth by investing in non-traditional asset classes—including multifamily real estate!
MB 129: Mitigate Your Risk with the Right Multifamily Insurance – With Bryan Shimeall

What could possibly go wrong? If you are the proud owner of a multifamily property, the answers range from minor falls to catastrophic weather events. Bryan Shimeall joins me to explain how to mitigate your risk and secure the best multifamily insurance coverage for those circumstances outside your control!
MB 115: Enlisting an SEC Attorney to Protect Yourself & Ensure Compliance – With Mauricio Rauld

If you are new to the idea of raising money to invest in apartment buildings, the particulars of complying with SEC regulations may have you spooked. Mauricio Rauld joins me to explain his role as a syndication lawyer and walk us through the process of working with an attorney to ensure compliance with securities law!