Society teaches us that hard work leads to a great life, so we build a career first and try to fit life into what is left over. But perhaps there is a better approach… What if we could design our lives first, and then fit business into what was left?

Steve Cook began his career in the restaurant business, but failed miserably. Success came with a move to real estate investing, and three years in he had $7M in assets. Flipping houses allowed him to accumulate a great deal of wealth, and his financial advisors were committed to helping him accrue even more. Steve was doing everything right, but he wondered when he would get to enjoy it. The business had become his life, and he was compromising everything that was important to him.

Committed to simplify his life and break free from lenders, Steve made radical changes. He stopped borrowing, downsized to reduce expenses, and pared down his work hours so that he could be the husband and father he wanted to be. In the book Lifeonaire, Steve Cook outlines his approach to the pursuit of an abundant life, and today he shares that philosophy with us. Listen in and learn how to shift your mindset, overcome cultural conditioning, and pursue the life you want right now!

Key Takeaways

[7:09] The message of Steve’s book, Lifeonaire

[8:24] Steve’s moment of realization

[13:02] How Steve’s life went from simple to complicated in a three-year span

[13:58] How Steve simplified his life

[20:35] The shift in Steve’s approach to real estate investment education

[21:46] How to reduce your working hours

[24:52] Steve’s guidance for living the life you want NOW

[26:17] The definition of ‘lifeonaire’ and how the term was conceived

[29:34] Why more people don’t subscribe to the lifeonaire philosophy

[31:05] The greatest challenge for aspiring lifeonaires

[32:35] How long it takes to become a lifeonaire

Connect with Steve

 Lifeonaire Website

Lifeonaire by Steve Cook and Shaun McCloskey

Resources Mentioned

Free eBook: The Secret to Raising Money to Buy Your First Apartment Building