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Podcast Episodes for the Active Investor

You want financial freedom through real estate investing, and I want to help you get there! I have the opportunity to talk to some of the most successful and inspiring people in the multifamily world. I WANT TO SHARE SOME OF THEIR WISDOM TO HELP YOU ON YOUR JOURNEY OF FINANCIAL FREEDOM WITH ACTIVE INVESTING. […]

Get Started with Active Investing

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Making the Leap from Passive to Active Multifamily Investor

making the leap from passive to active multifamily investor

Many active syndicators start out in the real estate game as passive investors. Passive investing is a great way to gain exposure to the real estate investment market, learn the industry, and get a sense for how the deals are really done.

The BRRRR Method is Gambling Your Future

Not sure if now’s the right time to invest because the market seems crazy?

Are you betting on the BRRRR method with single-family homes, thinking just one more property will cover your living expenses?

“Just one more is all I need …”

Many investors dive into the BRRRR method, lured by the promise of passive income and financial freedom.

5 Common Mistakes That Are Killing Your House Flipping Profits

You’ve seen it on HGTV – flipping houses seems like a fast track to big bucks, right? But as many of you know all too well, reality often paints a different picture. 

I’ve flipped houses (dozens of them), managed rentals, negotiated short sales post-recession, and currently own a portfolio of apartment buildings worth over $350 million.