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Let's talk about a strong multifamily portfolio.

What does this look like? And how can you build one?

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Here's How to Build a Portfolio as a Multifamily Investor

The strong multifamily portfolio is one that consists of a variety of different properties in different geographical areas. These properties will have an attractive profile from the standpoint of having both cashflow, and force appreciation in those properties.

To figure this out, you're going to be looking at different markets and which ones have attractive metrics.

We like to see job growth, population growth, and wage growth. Those are the three things that are really key for us.

You can find those things by looking for online reports that talk about these demographic trends. A few that we really like are:

The Marcus & Millichap Report

The IRR Viewpoint Report

The Milken Institute Best Performing Cities Reports

All of these have great data. They have really smart people putting them together, and they can point you in the right direction as far as markets that have the right trends that give your investments the best chance of doing well.

If you want to learn more about this, check out our investment growth guide, 3-2-1 Method for Real Estate.

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