Bonus Depreciation

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Bonus Depreciation

We recently shared an article outlining Accelerated Depreciation in Real Estate.

You may not have heard the term accelerated depreciation or bonus deprecation. Even some seasoned apartment building investors haven't.

That's because it has traditionally been a tax benefit reserved for developers that build new buildings. 

But bonus depreciation is a powerful tax benefit that you need to know about.

This tool used by investors to accelerate the deduction of capital expenditures. It allows investors to write off a portion of the costs of an investment property or real estate syndication in the first year, rather than amortizing the costs over time.

This can provide a financial benefit to the investor, and it's a great way for investors to maximize their return on investment and reduce the amount of taxes they owe.

The tax savings are very powerful right now and it's important to take advantage of these tax laws while you can.

Here's a video from Nighthawk Equity's Drew Kniffin explaining more about Bonus Depreciation: