What is a Pro Forma?

What is a Pro Forma in Real Estate Investing? Make sure you download ALL my resources for FREE at this link: https://themichaelblank.com/vault Have you heard the term Pro Forma and wondered what that means? Put simply, a Pro Forma is a financial statement that helps you predict what might happen when you invest your money […]
MB 090: 4 Routes To Retirement With Multifamily – Michael Blank

If 2018 is YOUR year, the year you do your first multifamily deal and get on the road to retirement, then the next step is to determine your route. Today I cover the four roles you can play in a general partnership: syndicator, passive investor, balance sheet guarantor, or money raiser.
MB 074: How I Did My First (69-Unit) Deal Without Experience or My Own Money – With Patrick Duffy

What gives a 27-year-old with no experience in multi-family the audacity to swing for the fence? Listen in on my call with Patrick Duffy as he shares the steps he took to partner with me on a 69-unit property in Memphis, how he made use of the act ‘as if’ approach to secure a letter of intent, and his best advice for working with investors. Learn how doing his first deal has changed the game for Patrick, as he aspires to reach 1,000 units in the next 12 months!