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MB347: Why Every Syndicator Should Write a Book – With Chandler Bolt

Why Every Syndicator Should Write a Book

Building a platform is an important part of raising money at scale. But you need more than a website to demonstrate your credibility with potential investors. Listen in as Chandler Bolt explains why every real estate syndicator should consider writing a book and walks us through the process of writing and publishing a bestseller!

MB305: The Life and Times of an 18-Year-Old Syndicator – With Alex Mandaro

The Life and Times of an 18-Year-Old Syndicator – With Alex Mandaro

At age 18, Alex Mandaro is the youngest mentoring student we’ve ever had. So, we’re doing an experiment and asking Alex to document his journey on our social channels. Today, Alex explains what inspired his interest in multifamily and why he believes you can be a successful syndicator without experience or cash of your own!