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You cannot have life balance if you're worried about money.

You want passive income, and for a long time, we had Wall Street as the model for how to generate that passive income, but investing in the stock market is not the only pathway to wealth. You have choices.

There's another vehicle for you to consider –  and that is real estate syndication.

Wealth Without Wall Street

It’s easy to give your money to a broker and trust that he's going to invest it well, but if you do that, you're basically signing a piece of paper and hoping that it works out.

Real estate syndication takes more work on your part, but we feel it's a better investment.

Why move your money from the stock market into real estate investing?

Well, first of all, it doesn't make any sense to take all of your money out of one investment and pour it into another and we're not suggesting you do that. What we are suggesting is that once you start investing in real estate, you're going to want to move your money off of Wall Street.

Better Returns

Real estate syndication produces higher returns than the stock market, around 12-15 percent.

Syndications also perform much better in a recession. We saw that in 2018 and again with Covid.

The volatility of the stock market can be upsetting when you're trying to make plans and secure wealth for your future and your family. None of us has any way of knowing when a recession is coming, or what future events might impact the performance of the stock market.

Real estate syndication gives you better, more consistent returns.

Cash Flow

With real estate syndication, you have cash flow. That's real money you can use to do real things in your life. With cash flow, you can cover your living expenses and quit your W-2 job and find financial freedom. That's something that can happen for you as a passive or an active investor.

Tax Advantages

Stocks are subject to certain taxes that real estate syndications are not.

There are tax advantages to investing in real estate because there's a shortage of affordable rental housing, so that's where the government wants you to invest.

You pay a capital gain on stock, but tax code is written differently for real estate.

These are the three primary reasons why we believe that real estate syndications are a better investment for you than handing over your money to Wall Street. It's all about designing the life you want to live and finding your freedom.