Education is an Important Step in Your Investing Journey

Make sure you download ALL my resources for FREE at this link: Investing in multifamily real estate is a lucrative way to build wealth and generate passive income, but it’s important to have a strong foundation of knowledge before you begin. Investing in multifamily real estate requires a unique set of skills and knowledge, […]
Should You Invest in Mobile Home Parks?

Should You Invest in Mobile Home Parks? Make sure you download ALL my resources for FREE at this link: If you’re like me, you’ve driven past a mobile home park and wondered how profitable it is. It’s true that investing in mobile home parks has become an increasingly popular option for real estate investors […]
What is a Pro Forma?

What is a Pro Forma in Real Estate Investing? Make sure you download ALL my resources for FREE at this link: Have you heard the term Pro Forma and wondered what that means? Put simply, a Pro Forma is a financial statement that helps you predict what might happen when you invest your money […]
How to Survive An Economic Winter

How to Survive an Economic Winter Make sure you download ALL my resources for FREE at this link: Everything goes through seasons. The economy and investing in real estate is no different. Before COVID, summer was red hot. People were saying, “The market is too hot,” then COVID brought everything to a screeching halt […]
How I Got Started In Real Estate

How I Got Started in Real Estate by Sunny Gervin Nyemah I begin in the real estate market as a part-time real estate agent and then as a broker. I was working as a full-time investment advisor, after years as a professional accountant. I earned a good income as an accountant and investment advisor but […]
The Best Way to Earn Passive Income

The Best Way to Earn Passive Income Make sure you download ALL my resources for FREE at this link: You work hard. You probably spend more time working than doing anything else with your life. You’ve probably imagined what your life would feel like if you didn’t have to work so hard, if […]
What is an Equity Multiple?

What is an Equity Multiple? Make sure you download ALL my resources for FREE at this link: Let’s break down one of the most fundamental metrics of multifamily investing – The Equity Multiple. What does this term mean? The equity multiple is simply a way to calculate the total return based on the investor’s […]
Understanding the Pay-Yourself-First Method

Make sure you download ALL my resources for FREE at this link: As you are putting together real estate deals using other people’s money, you might have to make some adjustments to your thinking to make sure that you are also being compensated for the work you are doing. Of course, it is in […]
Is it Getting Harder to Earn Passive Income?

Make sure you download ALL my resources for FREE at this link: This recent article in the Wall Street Journal argues that being and active landlord is not as easy as some people suggest. Is it true? Are rising housing costs making it harder to earn passive income? Those of us on the operations […]
How to Be a Successful Real Estate Entrepreneur

How to be a Successful Real Estate Entrepreneur Make sure you download ALL my resources for FREE at this link: If you want to learn how to invest in apartment buildings by raising money from private individuals, you are in the right place. Syndicating deals is the best way to build wealth without requiring […]