3 Reasons Why Group Learning is Better Than Doing it Alone

Remember back in school when your teacher would organize group projects?
If you were lucky, you’d have some of your friends with you or even the really smart kid who’d do all the work.
In school, group projects rarely accomplished what they were supposed to. There were always those kids who didn’t carry their weight or “forgot their work at home.”
MB390: Business Boost with Michael Blank: Fast-Track Your Path to Financial Freedom with a Mentor – With Andrew Elio

Andrew Elio is just 22 years old, but he already knows he doesn’t want to work for someone else the rest of his life. That’s why he joined our Deal Maker Certification program. Listen in as Andrew shares his progress, and we discuss how to fast-track his journey to financial freedom with real estate!
MB348: Building Confidence Through Community – With Julie Holly

How does a schoolteacher overcome limiting beliefs to become a full-time syndicator? For Julie Holly, community was key in helping her shift from anxious single-family landlord to self-assured multifamily GP. Listen in as Julie explains how to build confidence through community and challenges you to take the next step in your real estate investing journey!
MB 261: A Community of Women Real Estate Investors– With Elizabeth Faircloth

If you can see it, you can be it. And as more female multifamily investors speak up about what they are doing, it gives other women permission to pursue real estate too. Today, Elizabeth Faircloth explains how The Real Estate InvestHER community helps women investors get support the way they need it!
MB 104: Building Community is Good for the Soul AND the Bottom Line – With Pete Kelly

The two biggest issues multifamily owners face are turnover and resident satisfaction. How can you address both issues and create a community in your apartments that makes residents want to stay, even if the rents go up? Pete Kelly joins me to explain how Apartment Life positively impacts tenants’ lives—
and your bottom line.