MB392: Business Boost with Michael Blank: ‘It’s Been 9 Months & I Haven’t Closed My First Deal!’ – With Mario Rapaj

Mario Rapaj has been in our mentoring program for 9 months now but hasn’t closed his first deal. And he’s frustrated. So, what’s holding Mario back? Listen in as we explore why Mario is stuck and learn how to stay the course and take consistent daily action to achieve financial freedom with real estate!
Winchester Apartments Due Diligence

The Winchester is our latest property and I wanted to give you an idea of what we found during our due diligence visit. If you look at the Winchester online, you’ll see the photos are attractive. It’s not quite as attractive in person, but the property is surprisingly clean. The signage is new and the […]

FINDING OFF-MARKET MULTIFAMILY DEALS: EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW LET’S GET STARTED! A major challenge for investors in the multifamily space is access to consistent deal flow. While the internet makes it easy for us to search for available properties, smart investors know that properties posted online are there because no one else wanted them. […]
Creative Ways to Structure Deals for Passive Investors

If you’re interested in investing passively in multifamily syndications, you might be curious as to how these deals are structured. You may have heard the terms, “straight equity” or “preferred”. And you’re probably wondering about the trends and returns of these deal types. That is what we’re going to talk about in today’s episode: Creative […]
How to Find Investors To Fund Your Real Estate Deals

I’ve been writing about buying apartment buildings with money from private individuals. Someone had asked me “How do you find local investors that are interested in discussing deals?”. Great question, let’s talk about it! For several years before getting involved with investing in apartment buildings, I was renovating houses, fixing them up and reselling them. […]
MB 130: Raising Private Capital to Grow Your Multifamily Portfolio – With Matt Faircloth

Are you still skeptical that you can build a real estate business using other people’s money? Or, maybe you don’t think your sphere of influence has access to that kind of capital. Matt Faircloth joins me to explain where to look for money within your network and how to grow a multifamily portfolio using private capital.
MB 126: The BEST EVER Advanced Multifamily Strategies for Raising Money at Scale – With Joe Fairless

If you’re early in your career as a multifamily syndicator, aligning your interests with a qualified team is essential in overcoming your lack of experience to go after larger, more lucrative deals. Joe Fairless joins me to discuss his new book, Best Ever Apartment Syndication Book, and share his approach to money raising at scale.
MB 119: Building Your Multifamily Resume Through Partnerships – With Danny Woodford

How do you build a multifamily resume without any experience or capital to speak of? The answer lies in partnering with someone who’s done it before. Danny Woodford of Mission Bay Investments joins me to discuss what he is looking for in aspiring syndicators and money raisers to add to his team!
MB 116: Reawakening, Reinvention & Opportunities in Commercial Real Estate – With Alan Schnur

Alan Schnur was away on a business trip during 9/11. He lost 40 of his 44 team members that day, but he gained the drive for continuous growth and think-big mindset that informs his real estate career. Alan joins me to share his incredible journey from single family rehabs to multifamily syndication to retail acquisitions.
Top 10 Questions You Need to Ask Your Commercial Mortgage Broker

Before you put an apartment building deal under contract you should clearly understand your potential lenders’ loan terms and underwriting criteria. Imagine this: you put a deal under contract and you assume a down payment of 20% and you later find that you’ll need to put 30% down? Or that you don’t personally qualify for […]