MB 266: The 10 Commandments of Lifestyle Investing – With Justin Donald

A lifestyle investor doesn’t trade time for money. We buy low-risk, cashflowing assets to replace our W-2 income and build a life around what matters most. Today, Justin Donald shares his 10 commandments of lifestyle investing, explaining how to leverage real estate to achieve financial freedom and pursue a purposeful, inspiring life!
Am I Too Young to Get Started in Multifamily Real Estate?

I’ve shared before why I think multifamily real estate syndications are one of the best ways to build passive income today. One of the reasons it’s so great is because you can build an online platform to attract investors, like we teach in our Platform Builder Workshop. As a young person, you have a great […]
Terms You Need to Know For Passive Real Estate Investing

The world of real estate can be a confusing place. No matter where you are on your passive real estate journey, you need to understand the meaning behind a few essential terms we use in our day-to-day. General and Limited Partners For starters, in syndication there are general partners and limited partners – or LPs […]
MB 255: Opportunities in Oil for Passive Investors – With Bob Burr

As a passive investors, we understand the importance of building a diverse portfolio. And while multifamily is the best investment on the planet, it doesn’t hurt to explore our options, especially when BIG opportunities present themselves. Today, Bob Burr discusses the current opportunities to invest in cashflowing, value-add oil projects that are likely to succeed!
4 Ways to Make Millions with Real Estate Investing

What if you knew that you could get an eight to 10% cash on cash return, and an average annual compounded return of 15%? If you’re not currently investing in real estate, what are you waiting for? For decades, real estate has proven to be one of the best ways for Americans to gain financial […]
MB 223: An Insider’s Guide to Investing in Passive Real Estate Syndications – With Brian Burke

There are tons of resources that teach you how to invest in real estate syndications with other people’s money. But what if you’re the ‘other people’? Today, Brian Burke joins me to discuss his book, The Hands-Off Investor: An Insider’s Guide to Investing in Passive Real Estate Syndications, and explain how to evaluate investment opportunities.
What Happens When I Exit a Deal?

When an investor hears the word “exit” they often equate it to the sale of a property. Assets are sold, profit is made, and taxes are paid. What if I told you there are ways to exit a deal that will give you a portion of your money back to reinvest, while deferring tax on your capital gains? Today, I’ll address the different options for exiting a deal and how you can determine what to do with your position in a deal that’s ending.
How Should I Allocate My Net Worth as a Passive Investor?

“Diversification” is a hot term in the investment world today, and for good reason. Passive investors have multiple options when it comes to where they can place their money. So, what’s the magic cocktail? What percentage of your net worth should be allocated to investing in multifamily syndications versus the stock market, or any other type of vehicle?
How to Invest Using Retirement Funds

Is it possible to use a retirement account to invest in a real estate syndication? The short answer is yes. But what qualifies? Today, we’ll answer that question and take a look at the pros and cons of this strategy.
MB 150: From Starving Artist to Financially-Free Multifamily Investor – With Mark Hentemann

Imagine having the financial security to do what you love, even if that work happens to be in an unpredictable industry like entertainment. Today, Mark Hentemann joins me to explain how he went from starving artist to financially-free real estate investor, writing scripts for Family Guy while he built a 185-unit multifamily portfolio!