MB454: Fund of Funds – With Michael Blank and Garrett Lynch

Are you tired of making New Year’s resolutions that fizzle out by February? Ready for a system that actually helps you achieve your goals? Then this episode is for you!
MB453: Kicking off the year – With Michael Blank

Are you tired of making New Year’s resolutions that fizzle out by February? Ready for a system that actually helps you achieve your goals? Then this episode is for you!
MB452: Is now the best time in world history to buy multifamily? With Brian Burke

In today’s episode, Michael sits down with Brian Burke, CEO of Praxis Capital and author of The Hands-Off Investor.
MB451: Market Year in Recap

In this episode of Financial Freedom with Real Estate Investing, Michael Blank reflects on the major market trends, key insights, and lessons learned in 2023.
MB450: What’s Working Now?

What’s working now? In this special episode of the Financial Freedom with Real Estate Investing podcast, Michael Blank sits down with three of his top mentors—Jonathan Nichols, Paula Nichols, and Philippe Schulligen—for a powerhouse discussion.
MB437: The Power of Storytelling – With Patrick Grimes

In this episode of Financial Freedom with Real Estate Investing, hosts Garrett Lynch and Michael Blank sit down with Patrick Grimes to explore his multifaceted journey from high-tech professional to a thriving real estate investor.
MB436: Keys to Selecting the RIGHT Market – With Bibi Ofiri

In this episode, Bibi discusses the importance of market selection, creating relationships with property managers, brokers, lenders, and other team members. From her experiences in managing property and flipping homes to scaling up in multifamily acquisitions.
MB419: Should You Invest in Stocks or Real Estate?— With Michael Blank & Drew Kniffin

Should you invest in stocks or real estate? How do ultra-high-net-worth individuals approach investing? Listen in as Drew Kniffin and Michael Blank debate the pros and cons of the stock market versus alternative investments and learn how to optimize your portfolio, mitigate the risks, and grow your wealth with real estate syndications!
MB406: Navigating Setbacks to Find Success in Real Estate — With Garrett Lynch

Losing is never fun, but it can be valuable. In fact, down moments force us to grow and close the gap between who we are and who we want to be. Listen in as Garrett Lynch shares his story through setbacks to success and offers advice on finding happiness as a millionaire multifamily entrepreneur!
MB354: Retire in 3 Years with This Deal Analysis Tool – with Matthew Amabile

Matthew Amabile was making decent money at his sales job, but not enough to afford his own place. Three years later, he quit his 9-to-5 at the age of 25 with real estate! Listen in as Matt shares the deal analysis tool that gave him the confidence to become a multifamily investor.