2019 was a really exciting year for me and I hope it was for you, too.

If you’re like me, this is the season to reflect on the year that’s passed and to look forward to what’s ahead. I find myself thinking about the things that went well, and the things that maybe didn’t go so well. 

Today, I’m going to share with you what’s on my mind. Maybe you'll join me on this journey and share your 2019 reflections and 2020 goals. I’d love to hear from you!

Let’s start off with the good. Here’s what went really well for me in 2019:

Your turn! What worked well for you in 2019?

Now, onto the not so great stuff. Here’s what didn’t work so well for me in 2019:

This is why my theme for 2020 is: Excellence. 

We aren’t going to do a lot of new things in 2020. We invested a lot of time and energy into trying new things in 2019. Rather, we are going to focus on the things that worked well and make them even better. We are going to bring EXCELLENCE to everything we do.

In 2020, I want to surround myself with excellence. This includes the people that are on my team. I want us to deliver excellence in our processes, so that we can get the word out to more people on the financial freedom that is available through multifamily investing.

How am I going to that? With goal setting.

I mentioned this before, but my wife and I are going to the Create Your Future conference in Lake Las Vegas, hosted by The Real Estate Guys in January. It’s a powerful weekend set at a beautiful resort. It’s been a great way for me to focus on my professional, financial, and personal goals, (which is why my wife and I go together). I hope you’ll consider joining us this year.

In the meantime, tune in on December 30th to my next podcast where I’ll share exactly how I set my goals for 2020. I’m going to go into detail on my goal setting techniques; one that is so specific and priceless that it will knock your socks off!  This technique has really shifted the entire way that I set goals AND achieve them. To the point where I know that I’ll never experience failure.

Pretty powerful, right? Make you join me and don’t miss this special podcast by subscribing to us on iTunes. You can also catch it on YouTube, so don’t forget to subscribe to our channel there, too.

Well, there you have it!  Let me know what worked for you in 2019, and what your goals are in 2020. Thanks for joining and I look forward to hearing from you.