All successful people have this one thing in common. Clarity.

Successful people know they can’t control their circumstance, but they can control how they react to their circumstances. Clarity around who they are and what they want enables them to respond to whatever life throws their way.

Knowing your own character, who you are and who you want to be, is the first step in building the mindset that will get you where you want to go.

Do You Have the Real Estate Investor Mindset?

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Let Go of Limiting Beliefs

Let’s start with that phrase, real estate investor. You are empowered or disempowered by the language you use. Is it possible that the word investor is holing you back?

Well, if you think of an investor as someone with money to burn, it might be. If you think that in order to invest in real estate, you need a lot of capital; and you don't have a lot of capital, you're setting yourself up for failure right off the bat.

Thinking that you have to be wealthy to begin your real estate investing journey is not only false, it's a limiting mindset.

Notice the shift that happens when you stop thinking of yourself as an investor and start thinking of yourself as an entrepreneur.

An entrepreneur makes things happen. They create businesses, often with very little money to start.

When you have clarity, you can begin to use language to your advantage and call yourself what you want to be, a real estate entrepreneur. In doing so, you free yourself from limiting beliefs.

Know Your Focus

Another attribute of the successful mindset is focus.

You need to know what your goals are, but you also need to know why you set that goal in the first place.

Why did you become interested in real estate investing and what do you hope will be the result of your endeavor?

I'm willing to bet, you want to improve your income so that you can build a better life for yourself and your family. 

That's what most of us are working for at the end of the day.

It’s important o not fall into the trap of thinking your better life will happen only after all of your goals have been met.

A healthy mindset means finding happiness and fulfillment now, rather than putting it off to the future.

They key to this is to focus on your personal goals and take action everyday toward achieving those goals, rather than looking to any outside validation to measure your success.


It’s easy to spend every waking moment working on your business, allowing your work to take precedence over other aspect of your life. You probably know this isn't healthy, but it's also true that if you’re working around the clock, you’re not making best use of your time.

A helpful mindset shift is one away from urgency and toward efficiency.

Notice how differently those two concepts feel.

When you work efficiently, you do better work in less time and can create space in your schedule for other activities – the life you want to be living.

Spending time with the people you love doing the things you love is necessary to the equilibrium of working hard and achieving your goals. Less stress means less burnout.

Remain fluid and flexible and you may be surprised how much you can accomplish while also enjoying your time away from work.

Further Reading

When considering making changes to your real estate investing mindset, keep learning.

Listen to the people who are where you want to be. Get yourself a copy of Rich Dad Poor Dad, Miracle Morning and, of course, Financial Freedom With Real Estate Investing.

As you become clear about your goals and focus, you can shift your mindset toward success.