MB 216: Financially Free at Age 21– With Kyle Marcotte

How do you overcome objections around being too young and inexperienced—and achieve financial freedom at the age of 21? Today, Kyle Marcotte joins me to explain how he raised over half a million dollars and quit college to become a full-time multifamily syndicator with a portfolio of 119 units valued at $5.5M!
MB 215: Changing the Face of Multifamily Syndication – With Kaylee McMahon

Why are there so few women in multifamily syndication? Today, Kaylee McMahon joins me to offer her take on how a lack of knowledge around a male-dominated industry keeps a lot of women out of the multifamily game and discuss her mission to help people, especially women, achieve financial independence with apartment building investing!
MB 207: Train Your Mind for Multifamily Investing – With Krista Wilper

Are you working a W-2 job that leaves you depleted? Even if you love what you do, you likely have little left to give to your family at the end of the day. Today, Krista Wilper joins me to explain how she got her mindset right and quit her job with real estate investing!
MB 202: Quit Your W-2 in Two Years (at Age 26!) – With Will Harvey

Two years ago, Will Harvey thought that only people with millions of dollars could own apartment buildings. By the end of 2019, he quit his W-2 job (at the age of 26!) to pursue multifamily full time. Today, Will joins me to explain how learning from podcasts and joint venture partnerships contributed to his success.
MB 198: The Calculated Courage to Do Your First Deal – With Craig Schumacher, MAI

Is fear stopping you from doing your first multifamily deal? Nervous about losing the relative safety (and health insurance) that comes with a W-2? Today, Craig Schumacher joins me to explain how he developed the calculated courage to quit his job as a real estate appraiser and build his own multifamily and student housing portfolio.
MB 197: Joint Venture to Accelerate Your Multifamily Success – With Brian Briscoe

Think you need to be a Lone Wolf on your first multifamily deal? Brian Briscoe was looking at 6- and 8-unit properties until he realized he could go bigger, faster if he had help. And he was right. Today, Brian joins me to explain how he leveraged a joint venture partnership to accelerate his success!
MB 196: How to Align with a Sponsor to Do Your First Multifamily Deal – With Anthony Metzger

So, you don’t have real estate investing experience. And you don’t have any resources of your own to invest. Today, Anthony Metzger joins me to explain how he partnered with Nighthawk Equity to close on his first deal, a 218-unit in Little Rock—without a track record and without using any of his own money!
My 2019 Year In Review

2019 was a really exciting year for me and I hope it was for you, too. If you’re like me, this is the season to reflect on the year that’s passed and to look forward to what’s ahead. I find myself thinking about the things that went well, and the things that maybe didn’t go […]
MB 190: From VA Loan to Multifamily Investing Career – With Phil Capron

Going through special ops training for the US military, Phil Capron noticed that the recruits who made it to the end weren’t necessarily the strongest or the fastest or the smartest. Today, Phil joins me to explain how the grit that made him successful in the armed forces informs his multifamily investing career.
MB 182: An Action-Oriented Approach to Financial Freedom with Multifamily – With David Kamara

Real estate investors come in many different shapes and sizes, but the one thing they ALL have in common is hustle. They balance learning with DOING, taking action to achieve their dreams of financial freedom. Today, David Kamara joins me to explain how he replaced his income in just 12 months with apartment building investing!