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MB 232: Turbocharge Your F.I.R.E. Journey with Real Estate – With Rajneesh Jha

Rajneesh Jha was following the F.I.R.E. method to achieve financial freedom, putting his money in safe, low-cost mutual funds with the goal of quitting his corporate job in about 10 years. And then he discovered real estate! Today, Raj joins me to explain how shifting from the stock market to multifamily investing TURBOCHARGED his journey!

MB 215: Changing the Face of Multifamily Syndication – With Kaylee McMahon

Changing the Face of Multifamily Syndication – With Kaylee McMahon

Why are there so few women in multifamily syndication? Today, Kaylee McMahon joins me to offer her take on how a lack of knowledge around a male-dominated industry keeps a lot of women out of the multifamily game and discuss her mission to help people, especially women, achieve financial independence with apartment building investing!