Equity Multiplier for Passive Investors


There is a language that is spoken in the world of multifamily real estate. The more fluent you are in this language, the better able you will be to converse with brokers, property managers, and other investors. When you are well versed in the vocabulary, you will come off as a professional, rather than a […]

New Trends in Real Estate Investing

New Trends in Real Estate Investing

Make sure you download ALL my resources for FREE at this link: https://themichaelblank.com/vault New Trends in Real Estate Investing What current trends are we seeing that impact real estate investing? There’s one big trend no one can ignore, and that’s inflation. Unless you’re sleeping under a rock, you’re probably thinking about inflation all the time. […]

Is Multifamily Real Estate a Socially Responsible Investment?


You may have heard discussion of real estate from a moral perspective. Do you have concerns about the ethics of real estate? Let’s look at that today. Make sure you download ALL my resources for FREE at this link: https://themichaelblank.com/vault Is multifamily real estate a socially responsible investment? The answer is, it can be. As […]

How Can Investment Diversification Protect Your Future?

Make sure you download ALL my resources for FREE at this link: https://themichaelblank.com/vault How Can Investment Diversification Protect Your Future? Let’s talk about diversification. First, that basics. What is diversification? How can it help protect your future? Diversification is just a fancy way to say, don’t put all your eggs in one basket. It’s the […]

MB335: Serve Investors by Solving Their Problems – With Travis Watts

Investor relations is not about selling a deal. It’s about getting to know individual investors and solving their problems. But what does that look like in practice? Listen in as Travis Watts explains how to build relationships with potential investors and educate them around the benefits of investing in multifamily syndications.

Create Your Vision Map for Financial Freedom As a Passive Investor


  Make sure you download ALL my resources for FREE at this link: https://themichaelblank.com/vault What is a vision map? And why is it important? A vision map is simply a clear picture of where you want to go, and the steps you will take to get there. Create Your Vision Map for Financial Freedom as […]

How Inflation Can Make You a Real Estate Millionaire in 12 Months


Maybe you’re listening to the news and feeling stressed. Maybe you are noticing the price of everything going up. Are you concerned about inflation or interest rates? In can be a scary concept. Inflation is the rise in the cost of things. It means the dollars in your hand are worth less. Make sure you […]

Passive Income Secrets to Get the Most Out of Your Passive Investing

passive incomesecretstogetthemostoutofyourpassiveinvesting

Do you want to know a secret? Over 90 percent of the world’s millionaires have used real estate to build their wealth. It’s not through their own primary residence, house hacking, or flipping. The secret to how these millionaires built wealth for themselves and their families is through investing in apartment buildings. You don’t need […]

ABCs of Real Estate Investing

The ABCs of Real Estate Investing

We believe real estate syndications are THE best investments available to passive investors and we’re passionate about helping you get clear about how passive investing work so that you can get started on your journey of financial freedom. Today, let’s get back to the basics. ABCs of Real Estate Investing Make sure you download ALL […]

How to Make Money With Extra Space in Your Home


How to Make Money With Extra Space in Your Home Make sure you download ALL my resources for FREE at this link: https://themichaelblank.com/vault Everyone wants to find sources of passive income. It just makes sense. As you’re exploring your options, there may be a potential source of passive income that you’re overlooking. What about the […]