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5 Steps to Clarity and Living an Intentional Life

I used to feel stuck, drifting through life, until my early 30s. Since then, I’ve been working on living more intentionally. In this post, I’m going to share with you my 5 clarity practices that I’ve developed over the years, which have made a huge difference in how I design my life.

MB300: The Best of 2021 on Financial Freedom with Real Estate Investing

The Best of 2021 on Financial Freedom with Real Estate Investing

What are my top takeaways from the entrepreneurs and multifamily investors who appeared on the podcast last year? Today, I’m sharing the Best of 2021 on Financial Freedom with Real Estate Investing, revisiting conversations with Jordan Harbinger, Brandon Turner, John Lee Dumas, Liz Faircloth, Joe Fairless, Chad Williams, Jenny Gou, Steven Louie and Ronan McMahon.

MB299: 2021 Year in Review & Market Outlook for 2022


One of the best things you can do for yourself at the end of each year is take time to reflect on what you’ve learned and achieved. Today, I look back on our journey as a company in 2021, celebrating our wins and sharing our market outlook for multifamily in the year to come!

MB298: The 4 Levels of Financial Freedom – With Mandy McAllister

MB298The 4 Levels of Financial FreedomWith Mandy McAllister

The more truth you put to any problem, the easier it is to solve. So, if you want to quit your W-2 job, start by doing the math. Because once you know how much you need to cover your living expenses, it’s just a matter of building your multifamily portfolio step by step until you […]

What’s Your Financial Freedom Number?

What's Your Freedom Number

What’s Your Financial Freedom Number? How many units do you need to become financially free? Knowing your financial freedom number will make your efforts in real estate investing much more targeted and focused. When you’re diving into multifamily investing, there are four ways to make money with a syndication: Acquisition fees that you charge at closing […]

Why Financial Freedom?

Why Financial Freedom?

What prevents you from living your life to the fullest? Your Financial Freedom Is Worth Pursuing When you’re on a plane, you’re told to put the oxygen mask on yourself first before helping someone else with theirs. Why? Because if you’re not getting any oxygen yourself, it’s very difficult to help someone else. You have […]

M279: Why Real Estate Is the Best Kind of Entrepreneurship – With Pete Schnepp

Why Real Estate Is the Best Kind of Entrepreneurship – With Pete Schnepp

All entrepreneurial activities are not created equal. Running a service-based business is an active pursuit. You’re managing employees, making sales and then following through with high quality work. But in real estate, once you do the initial legwork, the money comes in automatically with very little effort on your part. Pete Schnepp is the successful […]

MB 257: Achieve Financial Freedom Before You Turn 21– With Cody Davis

Achieve Financial Freedom Before You Turn 21 With Cody Davis

We’re told that without a college degree, we can’t earn good money. But Cody Davis realized he didn’t need earned income if he could make passive income with multifamily real estate. Today, Cody explains how he built a portfolio of 24 units by the age of 21—without using any of his own money!

The Basics of Real Estate Syndications

The Basics of Real Estate Syndications

Real Estate syndications are one of the most attractive alternative investments available to passive investors today. Why? And how do you go about getting started? Maybe you’ve heard about the awesome benefits of real estate syndications, but you’re a little unclear about how it all works. Today, I’m going to share with you the basics […]

MB 252: Want to Raise Capital? Focus on Investor Relations! – With David Meilan

Raising capital is at the heart of multifamily syndication. But how do you build relationships with investors and make them feel comfortable enough to trust you with their hard-earned money? Today, David Meilan discusses his role as Director of Investor Relations at Nighthawk Equity and describes the process of raising capital for a real estate deal.