Alan Schnur was away on a business trip when a plane struck his office building, killing 40 of his 44 team members. In the aftermath of 9/11, Alan spent a lot of time questioning what he wanted out of life and the experience informed his drive for continuous growth. Because you never know when another plane is coming, Alan doesn’t believe in complacency. In fact, he makes it a point to reinvent himself every few years and take on new challenges in residential and commercial real estate.

Alan is a wildly successful real estate investor based in Houston, Texas. He began his real estate career rehabbing single family homes, owning a portfolio of 120 before making the transition to apartment buildings. Alan’s go-big-or-go-home mindset translated to multifamily, and he invested in 2K units across 18 complexes—AND founded a property management company that handled 7K units across 40 properties. Now he is taking on a new challenge in commercial real estate, investing in shopping centers along with medical, office and warehouse buildings. Alan is the author of three books on real estate investing, including The Cashflow Mindset: Millionaire, Billionaire & Zillionaire Designs for Financial Freedom & a Fulfilled Life.

Today, Alan joins me to share the story of his reawakening in the aftermath of 9/11 and explain how his skill set as a commodities broker translated to real estate investing. He speaks to the single family formula that dominated the first ten years of his career and his subsequent shift to apartment buildings during a trip to Japan that may or may not have involved saké. Alan describes his apartment addiction, discussing his best and worst multifamily deals as well as his reasons for pursuing syndication. Listen in for Alan’s insight on being flexible with geography and asset classes, taking on new challenges in commercial real estate, and stepping out of your comfort zone to take ACTION!

Alan Schnur – Key Takeaways

Alan’s AHA moment

Alan’s experience with single family homes

Why Alan made the transition to multifamily

Alan’s first multifamily acquisition

Alan’s ‘addiction’ to apartments

When Alan got involved with syndication

Alan’s best multifamily deal: The Bangkok Close

Alan’s worst multifamily deal

Alan’s shift to commercial properties

Alan’s shopping center deal in Boise, ID

Alan’s outlook on asset classes

Alan’s advice for aspiring real estate investors

What Alan is excited about moving forward

Connect with Alan

Alan’s Website


The Cashflow Mindset: Millionaire, Billionaire, Zillionaire Designs for Financial Freedom & a Fulfilled Life by Alan Schnur

Books by Alan Schnur


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