MB358: Why Numbers Are the Source of Truth in Real Estate – With Jason Baik

Words hide red flags in a real estate deal. But numbers are the source of truth. So, what numbers should you be looking at when you evaluate a multifamily deal? Listen in as Jason Baik explains how understanding the numbers helps you analyze risk and make the right decisions for your investing journey!
MB320: How to Use Social Media to Crush It in Real Estate – With Lili Thompson

Multifamily investors can build relationships and raise capital without social media. But platforms like Instagram and YouTube can help us maintain those real-life connections and make tens of thousands of others. Listen in as Lili Thompson discusses how she benefits from sharing her real estate journey on YouTube, building an audience of 148,000 subscribers!
Karim Karawia, Rob Lutein, Yosef Lee Share Their First Deal Stories

Our mission is to help YOU find financial freedom. We love to hear how our programs are helping you make your first multifamily deal. These are stories from some of our students who have successful closed deals. We’re excited for them and the hard work they’ve put into pursuing their dream of becoming financially free. […]
MB 109: Leveraging the Law of the First Deal to Quit Your Job with Multifamily – with Michael Blank

Once you truly DECIDE to pursue multifamily, it takes 3 to 5 years to replace your income—and the process is set in motion via the Law of the First Deal. Today, I’m unpacking the phenomenon, helping you develop a concrete plan for quitting your job with apartment building investing!
MB 089: Increasing Your Productivity Through Purpose – With David Sweeney

How do you move from education into action? David Sweeney contends that the best way to pump up your productivity is through purpose. He is on the line to share his journey from Seattle PD veteran to real estate investor, explaining how he became the proud owner of a 24-unit property in just nine months!
MB 084: Taking ‘Massive Stinking Action’ to Reach Your Big Dreams – With Tamar Mar

“I had this moment where I realized, ‘No, I’m not going to be the CEO of somebody else’s dreams. I’m going to be the CEO of my own dreams.” Tamar Mar is a serial entrepreneur and investor with a background in the startup world. Today she shares the details of her recent shift into the multi-family space, discussing the moment she was inspired to take action and how the Law of the First Deal has her dreaming big.