MB294: Build Your Confidence at Deal Maker Bootcamp – With Drew Kniffin


Aspiring multifamily investors who work through a simulation of their first deal are more likely to succeed than those who don’t practice the process beforehand. Today, Drew Kniffin and I explain how our upcoming Deal Maker Bootcamp gives you the opportunity to practice the steps in finding and closing on your first apartment building!

MB293: Scale Your Syndication Business Through Social Media – With Brandon Turner

MB 293 Scale Your Syndication Business Through Social Media

Imagine having the ability to raise tens of millions of dollars in capital (in a matter of days!) on your favorite social media platform. Today, Brandon Turner discusses his recent shift to large multifamily projects and describes how to build a personal brand and leverage the power of a platform to scale your syndication business.

MB283: The State of Multifamily


Is now really a good time to get started in multifamily? COVID put real estate on a bit of a roller coaster ride. The market cooled for a bit but then came back even hotter! So, is it too hot now? What should we be thinking about as we decide whether to invest now or […]

Mobile Home Parks vs Multifamily

Mobile Homes vs. Multifamily

Are mobile home parks a good investment? Which is the best option for you? In this post, we’ll cover mobile home parks vs multifamily properties and the pros and cons of both. You’ve probably driven past mobile home parks and thought, My gosh, they’re not much to look at, but maybe are they profitable? Is […]

MB280: Take on the Challenge to Invest Out of Area – With Edna Keep

Take on the Challenge to Invest Out of Area – With Edna Keep

Investing out of area is a challenge. And investing in a different country adds yet another layer of complexity to doing a deal. But that shouldn’t stop you! Today, Edna Keep explains the differences between the US and Canadian real estate markets and shares her process for building a power team in a new place.

MB276: Add a Zero to Your Next Capital Raise – With Jonathan Barr

MB276: Add a Zero to Your Next Capital Raise – With Jonathan Barr

So, you want to go for bigger multifamily deals, but your current investor network is pretty much tapped out. Maybe you struggled to raise $500K for your last deal, and you’d like to add a zero for the next one. Today, Jonathan Barr explains how to leverage an online platform to scale your capital raise!

The Better Investment: Self Storage VS. Multifamily


Is self-storage a good investment and is it as good as or better than multifamily? The short answer to the first part of that question is yes, but if you want the reasons for that, you’ll have to keep reading. If you want more support in making your investment decisions, download ALL my resources for […]

College Vs. Multifamily

College vs multifamily

Earlier on the blog, I touched on what I’m teaching my kids about building wealth so they can go on to be responsible, thoughtful and wise investors. Today, I wanted to take things a step further and speak directly with the younger generation. A lot of you have reached out to me over the past […]